Bear with us as we experiment with various workarounds ;)
Give it a try -- You may have to click a large "PLAY" button
Thank you to all of our loyal players from the past 16 years!
We would like feature some player profiles; Kindly drop us a line at info@wordsandwich.com
and tell us your username, how you discovered WordSandwich and why you've continued to be such a loyal player :D

How to play:
The object is to guess the mystery five letter word. Your guesses will float to the top if they are too “high” alphabetically, and they will float to the bottom if they are too “low” alphabetically. (You can hit the enter key after each guess.) A bonus multiplier is applied to your score if you solve the word quickly. There are five words to guess in a game, and there are no proper words. After your game ends, your score is saved to the scoreboard, but at the moment the game must be refreshed to view the scoreboard. After the message “Score Saved”, the game can then be refreshed. Enjoy!

Latest One-Word Bingo ▶ Lisa Lebanon 8/8/2024
Today´s Top Eight
RankNameCityScoreSolve OrderAvg
see today´s full scoreboard (0 records)

Annual Champions 2006-2023
2023 sean oaklandia 16376 2/17/2023 2 6.8
2022 sean oaklandia 16264 12/9/2022 2 7
2021 sean oaklandia 16412 1/29/2021 3 6.8
2020 sean oaklandia 16656 11/5/2020 3 6.4
2019 sean oaklandia 16484 10/20/2019 4 6.6
2018 limon baltimore 16684 11/16/2018 4 6.4
2017 sean oaklandia 16592 3/23/2017 2 6.4
2016 glo oro 17076 1/15/2016 3 5.8
2015 sean oaklandia 16608 5/7/2015 2 6.4
2014 Hayes Rose-Hulman 16216 9/25/2014 1 7
2013 Gage Owatonna 16404 5/16/2013 2 6.8
2012 turd 57105 16452 1/6/2012 4 6.8
2011 BABE DIXON 16796 8/22/2011 2 6.2
2010 glo oro 16688 4/8/2010 3 6.4
2009 Janie Allegheny 16716 1/15/2009 1 6.2
2008 Kenny WI 17068 4/20/2008 1 5.8
2007 lynncrb rv 17000 1/19/2007 1 5.8
2006 droy seattle 16676 4/12/2006 4 6.4
The Best of 2024 (so far)
1 Camille Key West 16324 1/11/2024 1 6.8
2 sean oaklandia 16116 1/25/2024 2 7.2
3 turd 55410 16116 3/4/2024 5 7.2
4 Brad Houston 15884 5/22/2024 4 7.6
5 sean oaklandia 15868 8/19/2024 4 7.6
6 sean oaklandia 15844 2/7/2024 4 7.6
7 Katarina Toronto 15840 2/6/2024 3 7.6
8 sean oaklandia 15808 1/5/2024 1 7.6
9 sean oaklandia 15768 2/23/2024 5 7.8
10 sean oaklandia 15732 4/23/2024 4 7.8
11 sean oaklandia 15708 8/14/2024 3 7.8
12 sean oaklandia 15696 3/26/2024 4 7.8
Past Twelve Daily Winners
9/19/2024 sean oaklandia 14892 5 9
9/18/2024 Camille Key West 15096 8 8.8
9/17/2024 sean oaklandia 15084 7 8.8
9/16/2024 sean oaklandia 15160 6 8.6
9/15/2024 Nancy NY 13176 10 11.4
9/14/2024 Nancy NY 14088 9 10.2
9/13/2024 Nancy NY 14088 9 10.2
9/12/2024 Katarina Toronto 13824 6 10.4
9/11/2024 Nancy NY 13484 9 11
9/10/2024 Larry Frankfort,KY 13796 10 10.6
9/9/2024 SiMoN LOndOn 14664 8 9.4
9/8/2024 turd 55410 14948 8 9

created by and copyright ©2002-2021 Robert McKee .. contact: info(@)wordsandwich.com